Soluna Wiki

The Soluna campaign setting is filled with new magical items, ranging from magical weapons, armor, and even magical transportation. Relics of a time long gone, some of these magical creations are stuff of legends, crafted of hands guided by brilliance and madness. New major artifacts are also present in Soluna, the Tears of the Goddess. Being a driving force of the events of the planet, these major artifacts hold godlike powers and are said to have sentience. These tears are items of legend, responsible for shaping the past, present, and future of the world and it’s peoples.


This section will go through some of the new magical weapons of Soluna. It includes a few new special properties that can be placed in tandem with previous weapon enhancements. Along with the usual array of specific weapons, there exists a line of arms unique to the land of Soluna. These items are legendary in scope, the stuff bards sing of, so naturally acquiring these items require time and effort, not simply crafting them from ordinary materials. In addition to the required gold and feats necessary to make them, each of these Mythic arms have mythic components; rewards for heroic endeavors.

Magic Weapon Special Properties[]


  • Aura Moderate evocation; CL 12th
  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor; shatter
  • Price +1 bonus


  • When a wielder of a shattering weapon attempts the sunder combat maneuver, the shattering weapons' enhancement bonus is +2 better than it’s actual bonus. Crystalline creatures take an extra 1d6 points of damage when they are struck by a shattering weapon.


  • Aura Strong (no school); CL 6th
  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Combat Casting
  • Price +1 bonus


  • A weapon with the attuning attribute resonates with the mind of it’s wielder. Whenever the wielder of an attuning weapon makes a concentration check, she gains a +2 circumstance bonus to that check. If she casts defensively, the circumstance bonus becomes +4 instead.


  • Aura Moderate transmutation; CL 8th
  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor; mending
  • Price +1 bonus


  • This special ability can only be placed on firearms. A reliable firearm is enchanted so that it is less likely to jam. It reduces the misfire value of the enchanted weapon by 1 (up to a minimum of 1). This reduction occurs after any increases are calculated from a broken firearm, or any other effects that may increase misfire values.


  • Aura Moderate enchantment; CL 12th
  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor; make whole
  • Price +4 bonus
  • Description

This special ability can only be placed on firearms. A reliable firearm is enchanted so that it is less likely to jam. It reduces the misfire value of the enchanted weapon by 2 (up to a minimum of 0). This reduction occurs after any increases are calculated from a broken firearm, or any other effects that may increase misfire values. A firearm may not have both steadfast and reliable special properties.


  • Aura Moderate transmutation; CL 6th
  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor; leaden strikes (melee)/gravity bow (ranged)
  • Price + 1 bonus


  • The forceful special ability may be placed on a melee weapon or a ranged weapon. Any weapon given the forceful attribute deals damage as if it were a size category larger than it really is. For instance a medium long sword that normally deals 1d8 damage will deal 2d6 damage instead. Similarly, ammunition from a medium longbow would also deal 2d6 points of damage instead of 1d8. A forceful firearm also benefits from this, but the increased power of the gun increases its misfire values by 2. A forceful firearm cannot have the steadfast or the reliable property.

Specific Weapons[]


  • Aura Strong abjuration; CL 20th
  • Slot none; Price -; Weight 2 lbs


  • The legendary blade of the first elven king, Almace, is one of the two items that make up the "Chant", a set of legendary elven equipment. This +5 merciful mithral long sword can attune itself with its wielder, gaining the holy, unholy, anarchic, and axiomatic weapon special qualities depending on his or her alignment. In the event that there are multiple alignment types (as is the case of LG, CG, LE, and CE), the weapon gains all attributes that apply. The weapon itself is unaligned, and will shift only after being held, as to prevent any negative level penalties that would normally occur from opposing alignments with the holy, unholy, anarchic, and axiomatic attributes. Almace has a secondary effect if held with it's counterpart, the shield, Durandal. Instead of dealing it's regular weapon damage, the blade deals non-lethal damage equal do the difference between the wielders current HP and his maximum HP. Other weapon special abilities stack with this damage. Activating this ability counts as a swift action.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Damascus Steel, Axiomite Dust, Shield Archon Blade; Cost 70,000 gp


  • Aura Strong no school; CL 18th
  • Slot none; Price - ; Weight ½ lb


  • Hauteclaire is said to be the blade of a famous Merferi assassin that killed the first Empress of the Chain Islands. The blade is a +2 keen wounding mithral rapier that becomes deadlier depending on how adept at deception it's wielder is. Whenever its user makes a Bluff skill check to feint in battle and exceeds the check DC by 5 or more, the blade deals an additional 1d6 points of precision damage similar to the sneak attack ability. This precision damage stacks with other sources of sneak attack damage. For every 5 above the Bluff DC that you overcome, increase this damage by another 1d6. This effect only lasts until the end of the wielders turn.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Wootz Steel, CR 10 Fetchling Blood, Inevitable Arbiter Blade; Cost 40,000 gp


  • Aura Strong all schools; CL 19th
  • Slot none; Price - ; Weight 2 lbs


  • Murgleis was the legendary blade of a vaara elf battle mage that helped turn the tide of war against the ancient Heilean dragons. This +1 dagger seems weak at first glance, but in the hands of a spellcaster, the dagger becomes a force of destruction. As a swift action, a spellcaster may expend one of their prepared spell slots to grant the blade an enhancement bonus equal to the slot sacrificed. These enhancement bonuses can also be used to grant the weapon any special attribute as long as the bonus is equivalent to its cost. Like other magic weapons, a weapons enhancement bonus cannot exceed a +10 bonus with a weapon only able to bear a +5 enhancement bonus to damage and attack rolls.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Spellcraft 10 ranks, Jewel Steel; Cost 50,000 gp


  • Aura Strong necromancy; CL 19th
  • Slot none; Price - ; Weight 12 lbs.


  • Curtana is said to be a fallen wing of an avatar of death. An infernal blade, Curtana was said to drink the very essence of life from anything it strikes. Normally, Curtana is a +3 adamantine scythe with a 19-20/x4 critical threat range. However, the scythe can accumulate a profanity point, either by dealing a successful critical hit or if it's wielder, as a non-action, willingly takes 1 point of temporary Con damage. The blade can hold up to as much as three profanity points at any time, and can be spent as a swift action. For every 1 profanity point used, the scythe gets a +2 profane bonus to attack and damage for one round, these bonuses stack with itself if you wish to consume more profanity points. In addition, the blade converts any damage it deals, into temporary hit points for the wielder. Activating this ability gives the weapon the unholy special property as long as it is active.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Jewel Steel, Stirge Demon Heart; Cost 35,000 gp


  • Aura Strong no school; CL 17th
  • Slot none; Price - ;Weight 6lb


  • Sauvagine is the beloved weapon of a Ryth champion, said to have slayed a thousand elves in single combat. This +2 forceful adamantine battleaxe has a small ebony grip with a wide and encompassing blade that shimmers like diamonds. Whenever Sauvagine successfully strikes a foe, all enemies within a 30 foot radius must make a DC 15 Will save or their attention is magically drawn to the wielder by an overpowering hatred for rounds equal to the wielders Charisma bonus. All enemies affected by this mind-affecting, compulsion effect must devote all their focus on the person who held Sauvagine at the time of the attack. For every 2 ranks the wielder has on on the Intimidate skill, increase the Will DC of this effect by 1.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Wootz Steel, Red Dragon Fang, Intimidate 10 ranks; Cost 25,000 gp


  • Aura Strong conjuration; CL 15th
  • Slot none; Price - ; Weight 8 lbs.


  • Preciouse is a +5 heavy mace that is said to hold the spirit of an Umbrian healer, who gave her life to forge the weapon. Whenever Preciouse strikes a target, instead of dealing damage, it converts any damage dealt into hit points. Any effects that would add extra damage through weapon attacks, such as energy types, are also turned into hit points but still retain their energy types, for the purposes of resistance and immunities. If an item is struck by Preciouse, it will start to rebuild itself and gain HP. Damage reduction and hardness are not ignored when attacking with this weapon. If the wielder of Precious is killed, their souls are instantly sent to the plane that fits his or her alignment, for example a Chaotic Good soul would go straight to Elysium, and nothing short of a true resurrection can bring them back to life.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mokumegane, CR 10 Aasimar Tear, Heal 10 ranks; Cost 20,000 gp


  • Aura Strong evocation; CL 12th
  • Slot none; Price - ; Weight 2 lbs.


  • An ancient psionic monk was said to have crafted Joyeuse within a dream, and is said to be capable of slaying it's enemies with a thought. Joyeuse is a +3 composite short bow, shimmering in an aurora of colors, that uses the wielders Intelligence or Wisdom modifier, which ever is highest, as extra damage. As long as it's wielder can see their target without magical aid, arrows shot by Joyeuse never misses and its flight is never hindered by range increments. If Joyeuse deals a critical hit, instead it's target must make a DC 14 Will save or be knocked unconscious until woken. Similarly, if the user of Joyeuse rolls a 1, they must make the same will save or be knocked unconscious themselves.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mokumegane, creator must have slain an Aeon; Cost 45,000 gp

Stardust Arrow

  • Aura Strong abjuration; CL 10th
  • Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 0.3 lbs


  • These arrows are crafted mainly by the Templars of the Holy Order of Sophia, who hold the night sky and stars as divine. The Stardust arrow has a mithral shaft with a gleaming carved piece of meteorite as the arrow head. The arrow acts like a +1 holy mithral arrow, but in the hands of a follower of Soluna, the arrow bypasses all forms of DR the target may have and gains the dispelling property.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy smite, dispel magic, creator must be good aligned and worship Soluna; Cost 10,000 gp

Northwain's Justice

  • Aura Strong abjuration; CL 15th
  • Slot none; Price 35000 gp; Weight 4 lbs


  • This +3 merciful long sword is made of fine blue steel, adorned with lapis lazuli and turquoise stones. This blade is dull and seems ornamental, but deadly in the hands of those who know how to wield it, usually Templars of the Northwain Order. Named after a Templar Saint, Northwain, that chose to never sully his blade with the blood of his enemies, this blade is given only to those who choose peace over bloodshed. On a natural 15-20, and a successful hit, the target must make a Fortitude save DC 15 + wielder's charisma modifier or become staggered. If they were already staggered, they fall unconscious instead. Creatures who don't require breathing are not affected by this ability.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, suffocation, cure light wounds ; Cost 17,500 gp

Pithing Stilletto

  • Aura Strong necromancy [curse]; CL 4th
  • Slot none; Price 20000 gp; Weight 1 lb


  • This +1 heartseeking mithral dagger is six inches long and made so thin as to resemble a needle. The weapon is effective only for classes with the sneak attack special ability and only on enemies that can be dealt precision damage. On a successful sneak attack, the attacker can forgo the sneak damage and choose to hinder their target by embedding it into the creatures skull or spine. The effects last until the weapons is pulled out by a successful Heal check DC 25. Failure to do so deals 3d6 points of damage to her. The effects you can choose from are as follows:
  • Render a feat unusable
  • Render a specific spell unusable
  • Reduce an attribute by 4
  • Paralysis (DC 15 saves)
  • The knowledge of which feat or spell a creature has is up to the wielder to know, as the dagger does not confer any knowledge whatsoever.
  • This weapon can also come in the form of 20 mithral bolts or arrows. In this case, the rules for sneak and ranged weapons must be followed and any ability, feat, or class feature that allows for modifying ranged sneak attacks apply.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bestow curse; Cost 10,000 gp


As there are many different types of weapons on Soluna, there are a number of protective pieces of equipment. Similar to the mythic weapons of Soluna, there exists specific legendary suits of armor and shields. They demand the same laborious effort as the weapons, requiring various rare and far flung ingredients from heroic escapades.

Magic Armor and Shield Special Properties[]


  • Aura Moderate transmutation; CL6th
  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor; bull’s strength
  • Price +1 bonus


  • This special ability can be placed on a suit of armor or on a shield. A piece of armor or shield with the raiding special ability grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to their CMB whenever they attempt to bull rush and/or overrun and a +2 enhancement bonus to their CMD when trying to avoid being bull rushed or overrun.


  • Aura Moderate conjuration; CL 8th
  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor; summon monster I
  • Price +1 bonus


  • This special property can only be placed on a shield. Warding shields excel at protecting their owners from certain foes. Against the chosen foe, the shields’ enhancement bonus is +2 better than it’s actual bonus. It also grants a +2 resistance bonus against all spells and abilities from the designated enemy type.

To determine a shield or armors designated ward, roll on the following table:

d% Designated Foe
01-05 Aberrations
06-09 Animals
10-16 Constructs
17-22 Dragons
23-27 Fey
28-60 Humanoids (pick one type)
61-65 Magical Beasts
66-70 Monstrous Humanoids
71-72 Oozes
73-88 Outsiders (pick one type)
89-90 Plants
91-98 Undead
99-100 Vermin

Specific Armors and Shields[]


  • Aura Strong abjuration; CL18th
  • Slot shield; Price - ; Weight 16 lbs.


  • The counterpart to Almace, and one of two legendary elven artifacts that make up "the Chant". This +3 heavy steel shield is made of an other worldly metal with a pitch black patina and the symbol of a great winged beast embossed on it. As a swift action, the shield emits a 30 foot radius aura that grants all allies of the wielder a divine bonus to AC equal to half the wielders total HD. This effect lasts for rounds equal to half the wielders total HD. These rounds don't have to be consecutive. If wielded with it's counterpart, Almace, the aura also emits and effect similar to the shield other spell that affects all allies within the aura, with the wielder as the caster. Additionally, with Almace, whenever the wielder of Durandal performs a total defensive maneuver while the shields ability is active, they loose no hit points from the shared damage caused by the shield other effect.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Damascus Steel, Axiomite Dust, Shield Archon Shield; Cost 30,000 gp


  • Aura Moderate enchantment; CL 10th
  • Slot armor; Price - ;Weight 30 lbs.


  • Galatine is an intricately crafted +2 breastplate with gilded filigree and scroll and ivy motifs. Once per day the armor may grant it's user a bonus to all Charisma based skill checks equal to half his total HD. This bonus lasts for 8 hours or until the armor is unequipped. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Jewel Steel, Craft Jewelry 5 Ranks, Crysmal Carapace; Cost 15,000 gp


  • Aura Moderate transmutation; CL 10th
  • Slot armor; Price - ;Weight 12 lbs.


  • Arondight is made of the finest silks from the Chain Islands, fashioned with gold straps and threading. This +2 brigandine can enhance it's wearer's agility once per day. They gain a bonus to all Dexterity based skill checks equal to half their total HD, that lasts for up to 8 hours or until the armor is unequipped.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mokumegane, Six yards of Aranea Silk; Cost 17,000 gp

Pax Tunic

  • Aura Moderate ; CL 10th
  • Slot armor; Price 25000 gp ;Weight 2 lbs.


  • Woven from the fallen plumes of blessed white doves, this +2 deathless hide armor is worn by high ranking members of the Order of Soluna. Unlike other hide armors however, the Pax Tunic has no arcane spell failure or armor penalty. Once per day, as a swift action, the tunic casts the glide spell on it's wearer. If the wearer of the tunic is a follower of Soluna they can use this ability three times per day.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor,glide, deathward; Cost 12500 gp

Rods and Staves[]

Listed below are the various new rods and staves introduced within the campaign. Note that some of the effects and spells may only pertain to specific things found within the world of Soluna, so DM's are advised to take caution or at least edit them should they choose to introduce them into their own campaigns.

Blessed Rod

  • Aura faint abjuration; CL 5 th
  • Slot - ; Price 15000 gp; Weight 5 lbs


  • This simple bleached wooden rod is topped with a smoothed marble globe anointed with holy oils and holy water. The wielder of this rod treats all divine spells or arcane spells that bear the light or fire descriptor as if it were cast one level higher. Additionally, if the wielder has the channel energy class ability, the save DC is increased by 2.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Rod, Heighten Spell; Cost 7500 gp

Hellfire Fragment

  • Aura strong evocation; CL 12 th
  • Slot - ; Price 55,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs


  • The Hellfire Fragment is a wicked looking device used by priests of the Heilean fire god. Believed to be a horn or a spine or a claw of the fire god himself, these staves are used in sacrifices, scarification, and other rituals within the faith. Carved from a large piece of midnight black obsidian sharpened to a point, the Hellfire Fragment can be used as a +1 spear. Those who wield the wand gain fire resist 10 and modifies all spells that bear the flame descriptor, with the Burning Spell metamagic feat without increasing the spell level. Unlike the actual feat, spells with the acid descriptor are not affected by this wand. If the wielder of the staff uses detonate from the staves spell list, it can only be tuned to deal fire damage, additionally, if the wielder makes a successful physical attack with the staff, they can negate all the damage dealt to instead cast detonate on that target, using up a single detonate charge. The staff is able to cast the following spells:
  • protection from energy, communal (1 charge)
  • detonate (2 charges)
  • fire snake (2 charges)
  • summon Medium sized Flame Goblin army

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Staff, protection from energy, communal, Burning Spell, obsidian worth 5000 gp; Cost 30,000 gp

Staff of Warding

  • Aura strong universal; CL 15th
  • Slot none; Price 220,000 gp; Weight 7 lbs.


  • This 6 foot tall staff is made of an ancient unknown alloy, inscribed with runic glyphs. Etched upon the length of the staff, is a name in an ancient language (a successful Linguistic skill check DC 30, reveals this name to be Soluna). The staff head is made of the same strange alloy, manufactured to look like an androgynous figure, six metallic wings folded in on itself. Upon use, the wings unhinge and open, glowing with a strange pale blue light, as per the light spell. On command, the staff manifests a 15 foot wide, 15 foot high, wall of force 10 feet away from the wielder. This wall moves with the wielder of the staff, facing the way the wielder is facing and lasts for as long as they will it. This wall is immediately dispelled should the wielder be slain or should they create another wall elsewhere. The staff contains 6 charges, one for each wing, it's light dimming each time the staves ability is used.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Staff, Knowledge Engineering 15 ranks, access to ancient alloys, wall of force; Cost 110,000 gp.


  • Aura strong universal; CL 15th
  • Slot none; Price 110,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


  • This elaborate rod is made of coiling mythral and silver filigree with a craftsmanship so fine that the rod looks impossibly fragile to wield. Once per day, the wielder of the rod Majestas can cast any one spell and modify it with any number of metamagic spell feats without ever increasing the spell level of that spell.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Rod, spell perfection feat, Spellcraft 15 ranks; Cost 55,000 gp.


Compiled below are a list of magical rings that are available for the players either as craftables or as items found with generic loot. As with all other items before, the DM is suggested to edit any aspect of the item should they decide to use it outside of the Soluna campaign setting.

Ring of the Lich

  • Aura moderate necromancy; CL 15th
  • Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight -


  • This large golden ring is set with a large cut crystal, taken from a shard of the Scorpio stone. The ring emanates a 50 foot radius aura that withers and drains the life from any living matter around it, similar to the Witch's Blight hex but the save is Fort based and it's frequency is 1/hour. The ring drains Con from it's victims and stores it in the gem, glowing brighter the more points it has accrued. Plant life counts as 1 Con point while larger plants count as 2. As long as the ring hold 1 Con point, it's wearer gains fast healing 5, immunity to disease, and should her HP drop to 0 or below, the ring immediately casts cure moderate wounds using up 2 Con points in the process.

Construction Requirements

  • Forge Ring, cure moderate wounds, regenerate, bestow curse, a Scorpio shard; Cost 5,000 gp

Stone of the Tower

  • Aura moderate universal; CL 14th
  • Slot ring; Price 23000 gp; Weight -


  • This ring is worn by those skill denotes a mastery of a specific school of arcane magic. The ring is keyed to a specific branch of arcane knowledge (evocation, divination, et all, except for universal) chosen at the time of creation. Any spellcaster who wears the ring gains a +2 circumstance bonus to checks made to identify or counter any spell from that spell school and to saves against that specific school. If she is a member of the noble family DeCastille or has at least 10 ranks in Knowledge Arcana, she may spontaneously convert any spell of equivalent or higher level to use as a countespell against a any spell of that school. This ability can only be used once a day, and once used, renders all magical properties of the ring inert, until such a time that the spellcaster would normally recover their spells.

Construction Requirements

  • Forge Ring, limited wish; Cost 11500 gp

Wondrous Items[]

The World of Soluna also contain mundane magical trinkets that find their way into the nooks and crannies of society. These wondrous items come in many forms from the usual cloaks, capes, and caps to more exotic one time use perfumes. These items can be common, uncommon, or rare, though these rarities are dependent on which lands your adventures take you. What could be rare in the Chain Islands could be resplendently common in the Sovereignties of E'Dan.


  • Aura moderate abjuration; CL 4th
  • Slot - ; Price 3,000 gp; Weight -


  • This magical one time use perfume is favored by rogues and dancers who live a life of danger and intrigue. Distilled with a special musk that grants it's wearer the unique ability to be unseen by certain creature types, this perfume is also perfect for adventurers who wish to avoid unwanted attention. This effectively makes the wearer innocuous to the creature type, although they remain seen, smelled, and heard but unmolested. Creatures who are actively tracking the wearer, do not gain the bonuses of scent or survival if the tracker is of the chosen creature type. Should the wearer perform any hostile action against the chosen type, the effects of this item is automatically dispelled for that target. The creature type must be chosen at the time of creation and the potency of the perfume lasts for 1 hour once applied.

Construction Requirements

  • Brew Potion, Craft (Alchemy) 5 Ranks, aura of the unremarkable, summon monster I; Cost 1,500 gp

Ebon Dancers

  • Aura moderate conjuration; CL 8th
  • Slot feet ; Price 20,040 gp; Weight 1 lb.


  • Favored by bards and dancers who have dangerous, adventuring lives, these +2 stiletto shoes are made of exquisite black suede adorned with ebony and jet gemstones. Magical enchantments woven into the fibers of the shoes allow it's wearer to bypass the Ebon Dancer's reduced 15 ft. speed. As a standard action or as part of a Bardic or Dancers Performance, the wearer of the shoes can make a Perform (dance) check DC 15 to allow her the use of the dimension door spell once per day. She is able to use this ability as long as she is maintaining the performance. If the wearer of the Ebon Dancers has a rank in Perform (dance), she gains the Dimensional Agility feat, if she has 5 ranks she gains the Dimensional Assault feat, finally at 10 ranks she gains the Dimensional Dervish feat. She may use these feats as long as she is maintaining the performance.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, Perform (dance) 5 Ranks, Dimensional Agility, dimension door; Cost 10,020 gp

Velvet Blindfold

  • Aura faint divination; CL 4th
  • Slot - ; Price 17,000 gp; Weight -


  • A special training gear used by ancient monks, this small strip of deep black velvet was used to help decrease the users dependency on sight. When worn for at least 24 hours, they grant the wearer blind fight as the feat but affects the user as if they were blinded. The longer one wears these blindfolds, the longer one's dependency to sight decreases. After a week of use, the wearer gains improved blind fight, and after a month of use they gain greater blind fight. This use must be continuous and removing them, even for a second, will reset the time requirement. The effects of this item only work if the user is wearing them, thus closing one's eyes does not mimic their properties.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, Blind Fight, darkvision; Cost 8,500 gp

Fates Coin

  • Aura faint divination; CL 18th
  • Slot - ; Price 8,500 gp; Weight -


  • These special golden coins have been blessed by some faceless deity to bring good fortune upon those who possess them. They emit a small aura of divination that require a DC 36 Spellcraft skill check to discern their properties, a lot higher than it normally would be for an item of this caliber. They function as regular 1 gp coins, however those who possess these coins are allowed an automatic dice roll on a failed roll. This blessing can be invoked only if the wielder is aware of it's powers.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, foresight; Cost 4,250 gp

Gossamer Lanterns

  • Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th
  • Slot - ; Price 40,000 GP ; Weight 3 lbs.


  • These beautifully crafted lanterns are the combination of form and function. With a command, these lanterns emit a 25-foot-radius glow of faerie fire, as the spell, and are used in protecting noble houses, banks, treasuries, etc from thieves and brigands. The lantern can be any shape but must always have a recepticle in the heart of it for the magical faerie fire to burn, the fire itself can burn in blue, green, or purple light (chosen by the crafter at the time of crafting). Due to their magical nature, the fire never burns out from rain, water, snow, or ice, making them popular in areas of heavy and inclement weather. A delicate metalwork frame holds a covering of colored glass, crystal, gems, or even silk and rice paper, creating a work of art that glows in the light of the fire. Originating from the Elven lands in Heil, these wonderful lanterns are prohibitively expensive for wide spread use, and thus are most commonly found in the homes of nobles, palaces of royalty, and kingdom treasuries.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, faerie fire; Cost 20,000 GP

Nullifying Gloves

  • Aura moderate abjuration; CL 12th
  • Slot hand ; Price 26,000 gp ; Weight 1 lb.


  • These black leather gloves are as dark as the abyss and decorated with intricate runes embroidered with magical black thread. Once per day as a free action, the gloves suppresses any magical properties of an item or spell its wearer is currently touching for 2 hours. Should the wearer touch a spell effect that is constant (such as a summoned creature, flaming sphere, etc.) and activates the ability, that effect is immediately suppressed. The gloves cannot make spellcasters ability to use magic inert (but can affect magical items equipped on someone should they be in a grapple or other circumstance that would allow it).

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field; Cost 13,000 gp

Captain's Tricorne

  • Aura faint transmutation; CL 7th
  • Slot head ; Price 5400 gp; Weight -


  • This tri-corner hat made of water resistant leathers from various sea creatures, holds magical enchantments that grants it's wearer the appropriate knowledge and experience required to deftly man any sea faring or air faring ship. When worn, the wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on all Profession: Sailor skill checks. In addition, the wearer of the Captains Tricorne can take 10 when sailing a ship in stressful circumstances (such as battle or rough goings).

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, Profession (Sailor) 5 ranks, owl's wisdom; Cost 2700 gp

Decorated Epaulette

  • Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
  • Slot shoulder ; Price 2000 gp; Weight -


  • Strips of ribbon, silk, metal chains, fur, or leathers that are tied around the shoulders of military soldiers that donate rank and awards, makes Profession (Sailor) a class skill for it's wearer. Additionally, if they don't have a rank in Profession (Sailor), they gain a +3 circumstance bonus to Wisdom checks made to control checks.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, owl's wisdom; Cost 1000 gp

Cockade of the Sea Runner

  • Aura faint transmutation; CL 4th
  • Slot - ; Price 600 gp; Weight -


  • This azure blue cockade is decorated with turquoise and coral beads that serves as proof of a captains ability to pilot in more harrowing waters. When affixed to a tricorne or captain's lapel, it imbues it's wearer with a +1 circumstance bonus on all Profession: Sailor skill checks when piloting a sea-faring vessel. Additionally, all Vehicle Control DC's made for rough seas are reduced by 2.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, Profession (Sailor) 2 ranks, owl's wisdom; Cost 300 gp

Cockade of the Gull Commander

  • Aura faint transmutation; CL 4th
  • Slot - ; Price 600 gp; Weight -


  • This ivory cockade is decorated with pearls and boasts a single white feather; proof of a captains ability to pilot ships among the turbulent clouds. When affixed to a tricorne or a captain's lapel, it imbues it's wearer with a +1 circumstance bonus on all Profession: Sailor skill checks when piloting an airship. Additionally, all Vehicle Control DC's made during stormy weather is reduced by 2.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, Profession (Sailor) 2 ranks, owl's wisdom; Cost 300 gp

Mantle of the Phoenix

  • Aura faint transmutation and abjuration; CL 4th
  • Slot shoulders; Price 5920 gp; Weight -


  • Embroidered with metallic thread on this mantle of deep gold and crimson feathers is the crest of a royal house bearing a two headed phoenix. Whenever the wearer of the cloak is subjected to fire damage, they convert the first two points of damage into hit points. They also gain a +1 circumstance bonus on saves against fire and heat related effects from spells, abilities, and weather. Once per day, should the wearer be brought to negative health, the mantle casts cure moderate wounds on her as an immediate action. If the wearer belongs to the noble house Mullendore, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their Charisma score.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, cure moderate wounds, endure elements, resist energy, eagle's splendor; Cost 2960 gp

Lament of the Lady

  • Aura faint evocation; CL 2nd
  • Slot wrist; Price 6000 gp; Weight -


  • These prayer beads are crafted from small pearls and linked with a fine mithral chain, from which hangs a golden charm embossed with a six pointed star. During the times when a divine caster would prepare their spells, they may instill the bracelet with any spell of 1st level or lower that does not have a duration of instantaneous. The caster is imbued with that spell for eight hours as if it had been targeted on themselves and uses the items caster level. This uses up an appropriate spell slot for that day. If the wearer of the beads is a follower of the Church of Soluna, they gain a +1 bonus on all divine spell DCs.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, crafter must be a Divine spellcaster, bless, divine favor; Cost 3000 gp

Boots of the Unicorn

  • Aura faint transmutation; CL 2nd
  • Slot feet; Price 8000 gp; Weight -


  • These pebble leather boots are expertly made and prevents dirt and grime from accumulating on it. Light and comfortable, the wearer of these boots gain a +4 bonus on initiative checks and leaves no footsteps. If the wearer belongs to the noble house Dunderhill or possess the alertness feat, they may act during a surprise round as long as they are physically able to do so (being unconscious, sleeping, paralyzed, or any like effects, mundane or otherwise, forfeits this ability).

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, Alertness, cat's grace; Cost 4000 gp

Wayfinder of the Knotted Cord

  • Aura moderate divination; CL 10th
  • Slot -; Price 5000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


  • This small brass and steel wayfinder is used as a means to easily traverse the labyrinthine streets and shaded alleys of urban terrain. Anyone holding the wayfinder for at least 24 hours, gains the urban favored terrain as per the ranger ability as if she were a level 3 ranger. If the wielder of the item is of noble house Sauveterre or are a ranger with the urban favored terrain, they may instead gain a bonus to the urban favored terrain equal to half their HD, rounded down.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, commune with nature; Cost 2500 gp

Lorgnette of Roses

  • Aura faint divination; CL 10th
  • Slot eyes; Price 8000 gp; Weight -


  • These copper colored spectacles have rose tinted glasses and a briar motif carved around it's frames. Three times a day, upon a successful check against anything anything mechanical (such as guns, cannons, gates, locks, traps, golems, etc.), the wielder of the glasses gain a +1 circumstance bonus when using, disabling, or defending (either to saves or to AC) from that specific item. These mechanical items can be mundane or magical and is up to DM's discretion. The wielder must also choose how to apply this bonus at the activation of this ability. If the wearer is a member of the noble house Melrose or have at least 10 ranks in Knowledge Engineering, they may use Knowledge Engineering when making checks against anything mechanical instead of the appropriate skill. For this instance, a player may use Knowledge Engineering when attempting to disable traps, instead of Disable Device.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, Knowledge Engineering 10 ranks; Cost 4000 gp

Stamp of the Gavel

  • Aura moderate enchantment; CL 12th
  • Slot -; Price 100,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


  • Used only by bureaucrats of great esteem, this stamp is made of silver in the shape of a small gavel. On one side of the gavel head is engraved the personal sigil of the owner of the item while on the other side is engraved an opened hand with a two headed phoenix crest on the palm. This items magic is useful only when making a contract or pact, and only on contracts or pacts between two individuals. Any written document mutually agreed upon and then sealed in wax by both the owner of the stamp (personal sigil) and another individual (open palm) activates the magical enchantments of the item. If the owner of the stamp comes from the noble house of Balphort, mutual agreement of the contract is not necessary to activate the stamps magic. Once activated, both individuals are able to recall every word, intent, and detail of the document and will be compelled to comply with whatever agreement was written on the contract as per the geas/quest spell. The penalties for not acting in accord with the contract work similarly to the spell. The same rules apply for attempting to remove the geas/quest effect. Destruction of the contract does not nullify this effect, nor does destroying the stamp.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, geas/quest; Cost 50,000 gp

Mortar and Pestle of the Poppy

  • Aura faint divination; CL 6th
  • Slot -; Price 5000 gp; Weight -


  • This granite mortar and pestle is enchanted with enhancing magical properties, bearing a symmetrical poppy engraved at the bottom of the tool. Using this item while crafting mundane or magical alchemical substances, potions, poisons, bombs, or any item that requires the Craft Alchemy skill or the Brew Potions feat, becomes relatively easy, giving the craftsman a +2 insight bonus to their check. Additionally, for every six ranks of Craft Alchemy the craftsman has, they can roll an addition 1d6 to add to their skill check. If the user of the item is part of the noble house Moyante or has at least 6 ranks in Craft Alchemy, any alchemical substances, magical or otherwise become more potent. Saves against potions, poisons, substances, bombs, and the like, made with this item, are 2 points higher than normal.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, guidance, Craft Alchemy 6 ranks; Cost 2500 gp

Chain of Stars

  • Aura moderate enchantment; CL 4th
  • Slot -; Price 14400 gp; Weight -


  • This masterwork chain is 20 feet long and half an inch wide, made of extra fine mithral links in the shape of stars. Any creature bound by at least 10 feet of this chain becomes subject to mind-affecting enchantments. The bound creature when asked a question, must make a DC 20 will save, or be compelled to answer truthfully or else the chain glows red hot and deals 1d8 points of non lethal damage to the bound creature. Any questions asked by a member of house Vilain, causes the chains to burn even hotter and cause intense pain upon the victim giving them a cumulative -1 to Will saves against this effect. The chains also now inflict untyped lethal damage and permanently marks the victim, leaving small burned stars upon their skin. The chain does not possess the ability to paralyze or bind the creature on its own and because at least 10 feet needs to be used for the enchantment to take effect, it may not be possible to hold very small creatures. The chain has a hardness of 17, 25 HP, and a break DC of 28. Should the chain be broken, it becomes a normal mithral chain.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, zone of truth; Cost 7200 gp

Whetstone of the Split Anvil

  • Aura faint to strong transmutation; CL 6th
  • Slot -; Price 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500; Weight 1 lb.


  • These small rectangular blocks are made of magically enchanted stone that confers special attributes to bladed weapons when used to sharpen them. Activating the magics within the whetstone require at least one hour of sharpening, at which point the weapon becomes like new, restoring any damage that may have been done to the weapon as long as it hasn't been reduced to 0 hit points. Additionally, the weapon can be enchanted to gain a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. This bonus does not stack with a masterwork weapons +1 bonus on attack rolls for 24 hours. Higher levels of these whetstones confer larger bonuses (up to a +5). If the user of these items belongs to noble house LeBlanc, they may grant the weapon magic weapon properties equaling up to the enhancement bonus as long as the weapon has at least a permanent +1 enhancement bonus on it. These whetstones can only be used once before they crumble to dust.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, greater magic weapon; Cost 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250 gp

Amulet of Sylvan Heritage

  • Aura faint transmutation; CL 10th
  • Slot neck; Price 7000 gp; Weight -


  • Crafted from the oldest oak deep in the heart of elven homelands, this ornate amulet holds a fragment of ancient elven magic. The necklace grants any non-elf a +1 enhancement bonus to Strength, Intelligence, and Dexterity but a -2 penalty to their Constitution score. Wearing the necklace slowly shifts the appearance of the wearer, giving them slightly pointed ears and a fairer appearance like that of an elf and thus they count as an elf for the purposes of Bane, feats, skills, etc. Elves who choose to wear the amulet gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their Constitution to offset their inherent weakness instead of the normal bonuses.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, polymorph; Cost 3500 gp

Bracers of Volcanic History

  • Aura faint transmutation; CL 12th
  • Slot wrist; Price 8400 gp; Weight 1 lb


  • Forged in the fires of the oldest volcano from the purest iron ores, these bracers posses pictographs depicting great wars and epic battles. The bracers slowly make any non-ryth wearing them, draconic in appearance. The gain a free bite attack made at their highest bonus and they count as dragons for the purposes of Bane, feats, skills, etc. Ryth who choose to wear the bracelets gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Charisma to offset their inherent weakness instead of the normal bonuses.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, form of the dragon; Cost 4200 gp

Alabaster Coronet

  • Aura faint abjuration and evocation; CL 6th
  • Slot head; Price 15000 gp; Weight 2 lb


  • This white gold band is wrought in beautiful filigree inscribed with faint incantations and runes on the inside of the crown. The coronet only functions when worn by a good aligned creature. Once per day, on command, the coronet emits a 5 foot radius of light, as per the light spell, that protects all creatures within the affected area similar to sanctuary (Will DC 20 negates). The light also emits 3d6 points of positive energy, every round on the wearers turn. As a full round action, the coronet's area of effect can be increased to 10 ft. but reduces the save DC to 16, and the positive energy to 2d6, or it can be tripled to 15 ft. but reduces the save DC to 12 and the positive energy to 1d6.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, sanctuary, light, creator must be a good aligned cleric; Cost 7500 gp

Fara's Kaleidoscope

  • Aura faint illusion; CL 4th
  • Slot neck; Price 5000 gp; Weight -


  • This amulet is made of a finely faceted quartz crystal that refracts light like a kaleidoscope. The amulet can create fictional images of its wearer as well as provide them resist 2 to a specific energy type chosen at the creation of the necklace. As a move action, its wearer may create 1d4+1 images of herself once per day similar to the mirror image spell.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, mirror image, resist energy; Cost 2500 gp

Tome of Exotic Arms

  • Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
  • Slot -; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


  • This lengthy tome covers various tips and tricks and a bounty of information regarding exotic arms from all over the land and their use however, intertwined with the words of this book is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, the magical effect grants that reader the proficiency of any one Exotic Weapon of their choosing. Once read, the magical words disappear from it's pages and becomes a normal book.

Construction Requirements'

  • Craft Wondrous Items, any exotic weapon proficiency, wish; Cost 12,500 gp

Tome of Deft Maneuvers

  • Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
  • Slot -; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


  • This tome contains a large amount of information regarding combat maneuvers. Intertwined within the words and diagrams, are magical incantations that allow for the quick mastery of these advanced combat maneuvers. Careful study of the book, an activity that takes 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, allow the magical effects to activate and grants the reader one combat maneuver feat as long as the reader meets the prerequisites of that feat. Once read, the magical words disappear from it's pages and becomes a normal book.

Construction Requirements'

  • Craft Wondrous Items, CMB +20, wish; Cost 12,500 gp

Grimoire of Metamagic Studies

  • Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
  • Slot -; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


  • This grimoire is covered in the leathery hide of some unknown creature and bound by a black ribbon. Written amongst the enchanted pages of these books are rites and rituals for learning a specific metamagic art. Reading this book takes 48 hours over the span of six days and allows the reader to learn any metamagic feat of their choosing. Once read, the magical powers of the book disappear, turning the book into an ordinary tome.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, any metamagic feat, wish; Cost 12,500 gp

Raven Golem Manual

  • Aura moderate necromancy, enchantment, and transmutation; CL 6th
  • Slot none; Price 6,000 gp; Weight -


  • This book contains animate dead, geas/quest, limited wish, shadow step, glide, and eagle's splendor. The reader may treat her caster level as two levels higher than normal for the purpose of crafting a Raven.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Construct, creator must be level 6th, animate dead, geas/quest, limited wish, shadow step, glide, eagle's splendor; Skill Heal DC 15; Cost 3,000 gp

Feuille of the Scales

  • Aura moderate illusion; CL 4th
  • Slot -; Price 9,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.


  • This thick leather bound book is stamped with a tipped scale and has a braided leather bookmark. Once a month, the reader of the book may show a merchant, charts and diagrams of current market trends which shift and change within the pages of the book, allowing her to buy or sell an item to her favor. This is a mind affecting effect and takes 10 minutes of uninterrupted interaction to activate. That creature becomes immune to the effects of this book for two months. For every four ranks in Appraise the owner of the book has, they gain a 5% reduction in cost when buying a single item. Alternatively she can sell an item at a 5% higher rate than normal (selling price is generally 50% of the items total market value), rounded towards her favor. This discount however cannot be used to reduce the cost of material components of crafted items, magical or mundane. If the reader of the book belongs to the noble house of Drace, or has Skill Focus (Appraise), they can use the books effect an additional time per month.

Construction Requirements

  • Craft Wondrous Items, mislead, Skill Focus (Appraise); Cost 6,000 gp

Major Artifacts[]

Presented in this section are shards of the thirteen legendary stones that are part of Soluna’s lore; the Tears of the Goddess. Legend states that during the creation of the world, the Goddess Saluna cried divine tears that fell to the world and created the races, animals, and plants of the land. Others believe that Soluna’s tears, once fallen from her face, fell to the world as stars or stones. These stones held a fraction of her divine power, each one drawing from an aspect of the Goddess herself; her love, her kindness, her anger, and her fear. Thirteen tears were shed in all, and each one, bears a facet of her divinity. Once the last tear was shed, the Goddess was spent of everything that made her who she was, and fell asleep. The same story goes, that if all thirteen stones were collected, then the Goddess might once again awaken and grace the world with her presence.

The powers of the stones are extraordinary, said to have the ability to create mountains, oceans, revive the dead, and even create new worlds. It is credited for having bestowed powerful knowledge to the ancient human society of Konyu, and is also credited for shattering it into oblivion. Evolution of the species might also have been perpetuated by the stones. Some say the stones have a will of their own, some say it is the will of the Goddess herself, some say the stones are nothing but demonic devices linked to otherworldly horrors.

Many wars were said to have started for these stones, many legends surround them, no proof of their existence remains, and so they are cast as legends. Today it is but a child's fairy tale lulling children to sleep or frightening naughty children into behaving, even the Church of Sophia decrees the tale to be just a tale. Their origins, their powers, their truth, is hidden from the eyes of the world, yet in reality these stones exist.

Stone's Influence

The use of a single stone in your campaign or game should only be used as a major plot point. The stones themselves are mighty and have powers of the divine, some stones serve as the secret catalyst for war, or pulls the strings of an evil sorceress and her plots, or has been influencing a monarchy for centuries.

The stones are ancient and are intelligent, some have been unearthed, while others remain hidden from the eyes of the world, serving as mere legends. Each stone, once found, is found in a dormant or sleeping state. In this state, they still function and act the way a normal intelligent item would, influencing their Ego on their wielder, able to share senses, communicate, etc. They do not however posses any sort of power, dedicated or otherwise, unless stated in the stones description. For some stones, while in this state, it has one desire above all else, to get itself into it's full or woken state, and so it will goad, and corrupt, and attempt to dominate it's wielder to this singular purpose.

Stones that have been woken, gain all the powers and abilities stated in its description. Powers and abilities that the stone posses can only be used by the stone itself and not by it's wielder, unless the stone chooses otherwise or unless the wielder passes an Ego check against the item. Once controlled, the wielder of the stone can cast any spell or power the stone can, except for dedicated powers, which the stone has complete control over. Should a conflict in goals present itself, the wielder must make another Ego check or be controlled by the stone instead.

Stone's Worldly Influence

The woken state of a stone has the power to influence not only the minds of those around it, but also the world around it. Just the mere presence of a woken stone in any one place, can run the risk of being transformed wholly. Each influence varies, but most of the time the stone creates a space that aligns with its personality. The stones gradually modify the world around it over a course of time, becoming permanent only when a substantial amount of time has passed (100 years or so). Should the stone be moved before permanency, it's influence over that area begins to wane and returns to its normal state in half the time it took to influence it.

In essence, the stone shifts the area of its influence (usually a 500 foot radius) into a different demiplane of existence. For example, Aries gradually turns the area around it into a strongly chaotic aligned plane that is fire-dominant. More details are listed in the stones descriptor but each of the demiplanes have one thing in common, they are always divinely morphic (the stone serving as deity for this purpose) and have finite shape (the 500 foot radius centered around it).

Aries Shard

  • Aura overwhelming (evocation); CL 20th
  • Slot none; Weight 1 lb


  • Aries is a crimson diamond the size of an apple. It is said that Aries holds the Goddesses fury, her pure unabashed anger and rage. The stone has a will of its own and will constantly try to force it’s desires on its bearer. Just simply holding a shard will provide a constant endure elements effect to it’s wielder. Aries has an appetite for war and destruction, in it's wake, countries burn and empires fall. Waking this stone takes an extreme feat of violence and wanton destruction, growing stronger and stronger each time it sees/senses such things. Legends tell of the crimson stone unleashing its power  after the mass genocide of a people, razing of a great empire, or used by an angel who has slain thousands of demons.


  • Aries is arrogant, brash, temperamental, and easily combustible. The stone is driven by the desire to experience the thrill the world has to offer, these can be the passion for battle, the passion for the body, or the passion for life itself. It elementally manifests as fire, the sudden kind of fire that produces as much noise and damage as it possibly can. It gravitates towards those with lofty, arrogant, goals; who’s life would normally lead the stone towards the path of most resistance. Wanting to butt heads and fight with anyone and anything in its wake even at the cost of its bearers life, givesit the uncaring drawback. If without a wielder, Aries will lure new masters, to be used as instruments for war.
  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral; Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
  • Abilities empathy, senses 30ft, Ego 29


  • The stone gives off a 500 foot radius aura once woken that causes an illogical blood lust within those affected. Affected creatures get a +4 to Str and Con, a -2 to AC, and a -4 on all Cha and Int skill checks. This effect stacks with other effects such as the barbarians rage class feature. Infected with bloodlust, you are compelled to attack the nearest living target despite their allegiance. A DC 15 Will save negates being affected. Once affected, it cannot be cured or dispelled short of wish or remove curse (DC 25). Being the bearer of the stone immediately affects you with bloodlust and gives you the fire subtype and allows you to speak ignan. Being an intelligent item, the stone is able to use the following spells:
  • Destruction (at will)
  • Firebrand (at will)
  • Contagious Flame (at will)
  • Enlarged Flame Snake (at will)
  • Maximized Fireball (3/day)
  • Wall of Fire (1/day)
  • Shatter (3/day)
  • Rage (3/day)

Plane Influence

  • As it influences the people around it to be more violent and combustible, so too does Aries influence the world around it. The world is always hotter and more humid by 30 degrees, things catch on fire more easily, sources of fire and light are brighter and bigger and the strong feeling of anger and tension is always hanging in the air. The Aries Plane has the following traits:
  • Extreme Heat: The plane is always 30 degrees hotter, which can cause unprotected creatures to take heat damage each round.
  • Mildly Fire-Dominant: Unlike a fire-dominant plane, unprotected creatures only take half as much damage as they would from the volatile nature of the plane.
  • Strongly Chaotic-Aligned
  • Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the fire descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create fire (including those of the Fire domain or the elemental [fire] bloodline) are enhanced.
  • Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the water descriptor or that use or create water (including spells of the Water domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [water] bloodline, and spells that summon water elementals or outsiders with the water subtype) are impeded.


  • It is rumored, that the thirteenth stone has the power to void the wills and abilities of the other stones simply by being near it.

Taurus Shard

  • Aura overwhelming (conjuration/transmutation); CL 20th
  • Slot none; Weight 1 lb (awake)/150 lbs (asleep)


  • Taurus, a Tear of the Goddess, is a large deep green diamond taking the shape of a leaf. Taurus is the aspect of the Goddess that represents her stubborn perseverance. Like all the other stones, Taurus will constantly try to impose it’s will on it’s wielder. In it’s slumbering state, Taurus will be an incredibly heavy stone for its size and it’s wielder is under the constant effects of slow. The stone is fickle when waking and lazy to boot, waiting for the right moment to unleash it's power. Times of physical and mental duress, surviving a particularly lethal blow, or anything that would generally result in the bearers death brings the stone to life. Intelligent, it knows when it's being tricked into waking (such as purposefully trying to be gravely harmed for the sake of waking it), and is stubborn, as it will not hesitate to let it's wielder die should the stone be tested. The stone requires a crucial moment, usually short of martyrdom or heroic self-sacrifice in the name of the greater good, to awaken; a moment in which the stone protects it's wielder from their fate.


  • Taurus acts only in times of desperation, thus making it unreliable (even when dominated by the wielder, the stone's powers still has a 25% chance of failing to manifest). Once moved to action, the stone dedicates itself to ending the threat to it's wielder. Stubborn and unrelenting, it will not stop until it has seen the job through even if it means hunting down its target to the ends of the earth. Choosing to ignore the stones request immediately forces an Ego check. Though the stone acts only when the wielder herself is in danger, should they fall into harm by protecting others, the stone will use any of its dedicated powers to guard others as well (by protecting its owners charge, it protects the wielder). Once the threat has gone, or once its duties have been fulfilled, Taurus will revert back to it's sleeping state, thus making it the only stone to be almost always asleep.
  • Alignment Neutral; Int 12, Wis 18; Cha 13
  • Abilities empathy, senses 30 ft.; Ego 33


  • In the times that Taurus wakes, it becomes as light as the other stones, and the constant slow effect disappears. It also immediately grants the wielder a constant stone fist, stoneskin, and barkskin effect, however should his or her equipment provide better protection, it will choose accordingly. Being under the effect of either spell however cuts their movement speed in half. Lastly, it grants it’s owner a +6 divine bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +3 divine bonus to Fortitude saves, and a +3 divine bonus to CMD and CMB. The stone can also cast the following spells:
  • Rampart (at will)
  • Flesh to Stone/Stone to Flesh (at will; dedicated)
  • Wall of Stone (at will)
  • Stoneshape (at will)
  • Communal Stoneskin (at will)
  • Enlarged Shifting Sand (3/day)
  •  Ant Haul (at will)

Plane Influence

  • Taurus creates a plane of extreme comfort for it's owner. Depending on the desires and needs of it's wielder, the stone shifts the world to accommodate them. These conditions are highly situational, as they are dependent on the bearer of the stone. Because the stone is almost always in a dormant state, Taurus is the only stone who's planar influence continues to function no matter what the state of the stone is. The Plane of Taurus has varied traits.


  • It is rumored, that the thirteenth stone has the power to void the wills and abilities of the other stones simply by being near it.

Scorpio Shard

  • Aura overwhelming (necromancy); CL 20th
  • Slot none; Weight 1 lb


  • Scorpio is a deep violet colored diamond, almost the color of a bruise. As the eighth Tear of Soluna, Scorpio is the concentrated aspect of all the Goddesses' darkness. Her envy, her vanity, her lust, her shame, all negative aspects of the Goddess, are held within this stone. Scorpio has a macabre fetish and a penchant for all things vilified, desiring to engage in "sinful" acts, waking more each time it sees or is part of, acts considered vile or taboo to the current society's norms. These acts must be grand and unforgivable, as with other stones, such as the utter desecration of a divine nation or the slaughter of it's exalted heralds, the summoning of a dark and dangerous evil for selfish ends, or continuously and completely giving ones body and soul to the pursuit of greed, wrath, or lust are some examples. While some of these acts are considered evil in nature, Scorpio only cares about the exploration of the darker side of nature, drawing it's bearer into more and more shameful acts.


  • The Scorpio stone is a silent one, possessing regular senses and the ability to telepathically communicate through empathy, it prefers to watch it's wielder from afar. The unwoken stone subconsciously subverts it's vessel, drawing forth the darker aspects of their personality and forces them into pursuing and acting upon it (discreetly as possible, to make the act more illicit). This effectively makes the wielder susceptable to acts considered "wrong" or "evil" and disregard of the consequences these acts might cause gives the stone the uncaring property. The wielder gets a -4 penalty to all saves or checks that involve anything deemed shameful; the darker the act, the higher the penalty goes, at -4 increments. This effect is similar to the bestow curse spell effect that cannot be dispelled by any means other than wish or limited wish and even then it merely suppresses it for 1d4 hours.
  • Alignment Lawful Evil; Int 16, Wis 12; Cha 20
  • Abilities empathy, senses 120 ft, darkvision; Ego 33


  • Once woken, Scorpio's full power to corrupt evolves into the controlling force of negative energy. Still silent, Scorpio slowly but most assuredly darkens the world around it, sapping it of life and robbing it of light. Living creatures who touch the stone in it's waking state are drained of life for each moment they come into contact with the stone. Those who fail to make a DC 27 Will save, gains 2d4 negative levels each round until they let go of the stone or until they die, this effect works similarly to the energy drain spell but only affects the wielder. Additionally, should a creature be slain within a 200 ft. radius from Scorpio, their soul becomes trapped within it, similar to the soul bind spell, the stone serving as a limitless conduit. Using Scorpio as a focus for a magic jar spell entraps the casters soul within the endless abyss of the stone, leaving the body eternally lifeless or a thrall for some other undead. 
  • Regenerate (at will; on user only)
  • Create Greater Undead (at will; dedicated)
  • Bestow Greater Curse (at will)
  • Contagion (at will)
  • Dominate Person (at will; dedicated; on user only)
  • Heightened poison (3/day; cast as 7th level spell)
  • Enlarged cloudkill (3/day)

Plane Influence

  • Scorpio shapes the plane around it to be a corrupted realm, where unlife reigns supreme, where the souls of those trapped within the stone can murmur dark secrets and reveal shadows of their last living moments. The stone halts all life around the affected plane, decaying it and putrefying it similar to the putrefy food and drink spell. A feeling of dread and foreboding, as if a thousand eyes are watching, linger in the still air. The Scorpio Plane has the following traits:
  • Putrefying: The realm corrupts and rots otherwise edible food and drink and defoliating all plant life.
  • Major Negative-Dominant: Each round, those within major negative-dominant planes must make a DC 25 Fort save or gain a negative level. Any creatures who's negative levels equal it's current level or HD are slain and are transformed into a random undead creature as if create undead was cast on them. The death ward spell protects against the energy draining effects of the plane.
  • Strongly Evil-Aligned
  • Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use negative energy are enhanced. Class abilities and spells that use negative energy, such as channel negative energy, gain a +4 bonus to the save DC to resist them.
  • Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use positive energy (including cure spells) are impeded. Characters on this plane take a –10 penalty on saving throws made to remove negative levels bestowed by an energy drain attack.


  • It is rumored, that the thirteenth stone has the power to void the wills and abilities of the other stones simply by being near it.

Sagittarius Shard

  • Aura overwhelming (universal); CL 20th
  • Slot none; Weight 1 lb


  • Sagittarius is a magenta pink stone, the color of a bright sunrise, or the vivid fire of some ethereal star. Sagittarius is known as the the bringer of judgment, the righteous flame of justice, the harbinger of a new dawn, or the star of hope. As it's namesake implies, Sagittarius holds within it the aspect of the Goddess that cries out for hope, the very fire of the Goddesses zeal. Sagittarius will attune its alignment to it's possessor and instill within her a burning righteousness that borders on zealotry. The wielder then slowly becomes a champion for her specific alignment, seeing all actions that defer from that alignment as unjust and corrupt and must be corrected by any means.


  • The Sagittarius stone is first and foremost a zealot, a champion for a cause, whatever that cause may be. It is attracted to those who carry a need for change, those who long for some impossible dream, and it heightens that desire into a fevered pitch. Generally this manifests in active revolution and violent rebellion as subtlety is anathema to the stones fiery nature. The stone also longs for community or camaraderie and creates leaders that are charismatic enough to accrue a large following. The stone is intelligent enough to know that it needs a large contingent of like minded individuals to rise up and take a stand. Whatever it's wielder hates, it hates, whatever they love, it loves, whatever they care about, it will protect with all it's might. Sagittarius is a stone that is as loyal and caring to it's allies as it is as unforgiving and swift in deliverance to it's foes. The phrase 'You are with me or against me' is the stones motto; it has no middle ground.
  • Alignment Varies; Int 12, Wis 20; Cha 20
  • Abilities empathy, speech, telepathy; Ego 34


  • Sagittarius is not like the other stones, in that it's power is omnipresent no matter it's state of dormancy. It doesn't crave in it's awakening, but more so on the journey towards it. The crusade is what's important, not the grail at the end of it. In it's slumbering state, the shard grants it's wielder the ability to detect others who's alignment is opposite it's own, similar to detect evil but can detect either law or chaos instead. As it wakens (usually waking more and more the closer to their lofty goal), it unlocks the dedicated powers listed below. Sagittarius fully awakens once it has neared the climax of it's campaign, being it's most powerful once the end is in sight. In it's woken state, the stones power can affect ANY creature within it's influence who's alignment is in sympathies to it (in regards to positive powers) or those who's alignment is in antithesis to it (for offensive powers). Once woken, the stone subsumes it's owner into its own consciousness, becoming the living embodiment of their cause. It becomes a walking paragon, a shining beacon of example, the literal rising sun of the new dawn. This usually results in the destruction of it's owners will, the overturning of the old into something new.
  • Vengeance (1/day): The stone can harness it's fury into a bright searing pink light. This can manifest in either a 60 foot line, 10 feet wide or a 30 foot radius burst. This light deals 2d6 points of damage per the targets character level if they are lawful/chaotic. Targets can make a DC 25 Fortitude save to instead take 10d6 points of damage. Any creature who's alignment is opposed to the wielder of the stone take a -4 penalty to this save. Creatures slain in this way is consumed by chaotic/lawful light and turned to ash (not including their equipment). The only way to restore life to a character who was slain (whether they save or not) is to use true resurrection, a carefully worded wish spell followed by resurrection, or miracle.
  • An object caught inside the light, simply disintegrates. Thus, the light evaporates only part of any very large object or structure targeted. This effects even objects constructed entirely of force, such as forceful hand or a wall of force, but not magical effects such as a globe of invulnerability or an antimagic field.
  • Deliverance (3/day; on user only): The stone's power can enshroud its owner in a swirling storm of ethereal energy. This shroud protects its user from attacks and grants them resistances similar to the cloak of chaos/shield of law spells. There are four different effects of this ability:
    • First, the warded creature gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saves. The benefit of this ability applies against all attacks, not just against attacks by lawful/chaotic creatures.
    • Second, the warded creature gains spell resistance 25 against lawful/chaotic spells and spells cast by lawful/chaotic creatures.
    • Third, the ability protects from possession and mental influence, just as protection from law/chaos does.
    • Finally, if a lawful/chaotic creature succeeds on a melee attack against a warded creature, the offending attacker is confused for 1 round (Will save negates, as with the confusion spell, but against the save DC of 20).
  • Judgment (3/day): The Sagittarius shard can also emit an aura of judgment. Treat this ability like the word of chaos/dictum spells but using the stones caster level (CL 23) instead of the wielders.
  • Righteousness (at will; on user only): The Sagittarius shard can also boost the physical and mental faculties of its possessor. This ability acts similarly to the attribute increasing spells (i.e. cat's grace, bear's endurance, etc.) except that it increases either all three physical attributes or all three mental ones.
  • Protection from Law/Chaos (at will; on user only)
  • Detect Law/Chaos (at will; on user only)

Plane Influence

  • Sagittarius' effect on the area around it, comes in two forms. As a stone that incites revolution, it could simply alter the political landscape around it through mundane means. Things that may have been seen as unlawful, could become lawful under the new regime. The second form of planar influence begins to take shape only once the stone has fully awakened. These effects are:
  • Strongly Law/Chaos-Aligned: On this plane, a –4 circumstance penalty applies on all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks made by all creatures not of the plane's alignment.
  • Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that are aligned with law/chaos are enhanced. Class abilities and spells that are aligned with law/chaos gain a +4 bonus to the save DC to resist them.
  • Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use opposition alignments to the plane are impeded and thus such spells simply do not function on this plane.
  • Weapons and armor or abilities that modify weapons and armor that grant alignment to bypass DR counts as the alignment of that plane in addition to its other alignments. Additionally, should that alignment be opposed to the planes alignment, it merely has no effect.


  • It is rumored, that the thirteenth stone has the power to void the wills and abilities of the other stones simply by being near it.