Welcome to Soluna Wiki. About Soluna | E'Dan | Heil | Chain Islands | Az | Oceans | Races | Religion | Civilizations | Spells, Traits, and Feats | Classes | Equipment and Gear | Magical Items | Transportation | Personae Dramatis |
Soluna is an earth-like planet with a setting similar to that of the European Medieval Ages with a touch more magic and fantasy. With the same climates and similar terrains, Soluna is a perfect alternate setting to a parallel earth. There are several major continents in Soluna; The Continent of E'dan being the largest one located in the north western hemisphere of the planet; The Continent of Heil, located in the south western hemisphere, exactly south of E'Dan is a land teeming with life giving birth to gigantic jungles and enormous beasts. To the east of E'Dan is the Archipelago of the Chain Islands, though not really one continent, they are classified as such. Then to the south eastern half is the mysterious continent of Az. The planet is inhabited by various types of humanoid sentient species. The over populous Humans, the waring tribes of Vaara Elves and Eidran Elves, the draconian Ryth, the cunning Merfaer, and the mysterious Umbrians.
The Soluna Campaign Setting is a homebrew campaign made for the D20 gaming system. All the information about the world, it's people, culture, history is placed here on the wikia. Feel free to add new information as it presents itself in order to fully flesh out the world.